August 22, 2011

Meditation Mondays

Yes, I'm a little behind..on the day and I think it has been a week since my last post. Oops..i believe it's the excitement of preparing for Costa Rica! I will be traveling the 31st - 10th, during this time I will not be blogging but will update you upon my return! Days have been filled with endless research and figuring out just what I want to bring and then yes, it hits me, again, for the 100th time, you're going to the really only need your bikins and cute little cover ups! Talk about packing light, I've never been one to pack light, a girl never knows what she wants to wear presently in that moment so it's not fun packing for a few days when what you might want to wear that day isn't what you felt like packing in previous days.

In the midst of all this, and teaching classes, and working, I still find the time to meditate daily. This may come in different forms, usually on my drive to and from work where I'll turn on my "yoga" music and tune out and focus on the surroundings. It's amazing how time stands still for that hour drive, yes I am a commuter..that hour is for 15miles. Other times it comes as a walking meditation, and some days I even find the time to sit peacefully in my corner and drown out my surroundings. But there are many forms of meditation, so no more excuses on not having the time to meditate. Set aside at least 5-15mins per day. My Monday blogs will be meditation days to help you get starter,  and I promise next time I'll get the post in earlier than 9:30 at night.

Lets start this week with a basic breathing meditation. Use this meditation to get centered anytime and anywhere. You can retreat into your breath whenever you are feeling tired or stressed out. Make sure before you start to set an alarm for your desired time so you're not thinking about how much time you have left.
- Sit in a comfortable position with your legs crossed
-Breathe quietly in and out through your nose. Feel each breath as it moves through your torso. Feel where in your body where your breath is moving and where it is not
-Begin to notice how your breath changes as you focus on it, and how awareness changes in turn.
-When your mind begins to drift, gently bring it back to your breath
-Begin to bring your breath into areas of your body that feel dull or "un-breathed" Imagine your torso as a container and actively send your breath into the places it's not reaching, such as your pelvis or the small of your back. Don't force the breath, just allow it to follow your consciousness
-At the end of your session, wiggle your fingers and toes, then stretch your legs and arms

If you are a beginner, start your session out at 5mins. per day and gradually work your way up.
My Monday/Wednesday evening classes incorporate breathing and meditation, if you're looking for a way to be guided through these meditations come check out one of my classes.

Love & Light

Lady J

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